Notable Quotable: Anger

“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.”  — Mark Twain

I love this quote by Mark Twain. It’s a grand and vivid description of anger. It’s no secret that anger is bad for you. One bout of anger can literally destroy a life-long relationship, that’s how toxic it is. It is also bad for your body. Taken directly from The Health Site:

Anger is bad for your heart:                                                                             Numerous studies have shown that anger can actually up your risk of suffering a heart attack. A Harvard Medical School study found that the angriest men were three times likelier to suffer from a heart or blood vessel disease than those who are of a calmer disposition. Studies have also shown that extreme emotion or anger increased stroke risk in susceptible individuals 14 times!

Anger makes your blood boil:
While most scientists are still trying to figure out exactly how anger raises your blood pressure it has been seen that anger and hostility activates the evolutionarily innate ‘fight or flight response’ in most humans which leads to increased adrenaline and cortisol which pumps your heart rate. This in turn leads to increased blood pressure and the problem is compounded by blood vessels constricting.

Anger can seriously impair your judgement:
One of the major problems when you’re angry is that your cognitive skills get impaired and your mental health gets affected. It makes the consequences look insignificant and you can actually process less information. It makes you more prejudiced about others and hinders your analytical skills. This often leads you doing things that you wouldn’t in normal circumstances and will cause you to regret your actions when you look back.
Anger can actually give you headache:
When you’re angry, stress causes your neck and scalp muscles to tense up which causes a tight band-like sensation around the head which causes a tension headache.
Anger can make you seriously depressed:
It’s still not clear whether anger causes depression or vice-versa but those suffering from depression tend to display bouts of anger from time to time. It also leads to all the aforementioned physiological conditions which can only aggravate the chances of getting depressed. Anger also leads to insomnia and stress, things that are likelier to make you depressed.

So if you happen to tend toward anger, try to get a hold on it. Controlling your anger can only increase your well-being, and help you achieve happiness.


15 thoughts on “Notable Quotable: Anger

  1. I do not like to feel angry. A few weeks ago Willy Dunne Wooters offended me mightily. I actually shouted at him, and couldn’t eat most of my dinner because I was so upset. He apologized. We got past it. I hadn’t been that angry in a long time.



    • Who is Willy Dunne Wooters? Getting past the anger is the most important part. Harboring resentments and keeping the anger bottled up isn’t good for both the relationship and your health. Glad you guys got past it Janie!


  2. This is an important post, Michele, filled with valuable advice about anger. There are tools/weapons each of us can use to control and let go of anger before it harms us and others. Some of the tools/weapons that I use are music, art appreciation, animal contact and humor. When we add better choices to our lives and focus on having fun, singing, dancing, appreciating the beauty in the world, learning and attaining goals, our anger automatically dissipates.

    Liked by 1 person

    • So true Shady! The tools you use are incredibly valuable for pulling one away from an anger state and into more of an appreciation state. I use some of the same ones that you do: music, humor for sure and most definitely animal contact. There is nothing like having a really bad day then walking in the door to be greeted by the dogs and all that love coming up and letting you know how much you were missed while you were gone. My bad mood immediately disappears when my dogs greet me.


  3. Anger can certainly be all of those things, but here’s my take on it. It’s an honest emotion, that needs to be expressed, but in a calm and rational manner. There’s nothing wrong with being angry and if you keep it bottled up, you will eventually explode and suffer those things you mention. Just don’t succumb to knee-jerk reactions or let it get the better of you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • There you said it perfectly: anger needs to be expressed in a “calm and rational manner.” ABSOLUTELY! I know someone who has such an explosive temper that not only has it affected our relationship but I’m concerned that he’ll end up having a heart attack or a stroke because his anger is soooo outrageous. His outbursts are downright scary and they’re uncalled for. The littlest thing can set him off. If he would only stop and be calm and rational, it would be better for all.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This is very true. I’ve never been overly prone to anger though when I was younger I sometimes exhibited anger more than I should have. Internalizing might be even worse than expressing controlled anger.

    I get angry from frustration sometimes, but I try to channel it in productive ways. Sometimes the anger funnels into my blog posts where it tends to get more diffused with rational thinking as I put that anger into words and sometimes even solutions.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Wrote By Rote

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lee, that’s a testament to the power of writing in dealing with emotions. When you start putting your anger into words (writing/typing), it tends to dissipate and if you’re lucky, you find peace and, like you said, solutions. Great tool!


  5. This is so true and when one gets angry, one loses control and irrationality takes place. We have all become angry on occasion but when we always are angry or lash out for no reason then even more troubles arise. I think, with all the traffic, cramped housing, gadgets etc…anger is more prevalent than ever

    Liked by 1 person

    • So true. Road rage especially. Did you just see where that 2 year old child was killed during a road rage incident? The guy pulled out a gun and shot at the driver and killed the child in the car. Horrific! So much anger out there today.
      I’m very interested in checking out Denmark. They say that is the happiest place in the world — the people there are so happy and calm and mellow. The quality of life is not necessarily superior as they pay really high taxes and such, but the people of the country are just naturally happier than others, studies have shown. I want to go find out why! Maybe I’ll move to Denmark…


      • Check out some of the recent videos coming out of Denmark regarding the problems they have been having regarding the movement of immigrants from Muslim countries. Some reports say the Denmark may likely have a Muslim majority by 2030 if not sooner. Maybe things are not as rosy as they seem.

        Arlee Bird
        A to Z Challenge Co-host
        Wrote By Rote

        Liked by 1 person

      • Wow, I didn’t know that! To upset that delicate balance that they had that made so many very happy is heartbreaking. Just goes to show you: enjoy happiness while you have it because it is fleeting…


  6. I heard about Denmark being the happiest place but didn’t know about the issues they are now having….that is a bummer. We ran into road rage a couple of weeks ago. My hubby was driving on the QEW and he passed a car. I guess she didn’t like it and came up fast and almost caused an accident by coming into our lane before passing our car-almost ran us over. She was nuts! I did hear about the little child-very, very sad. On a happier note, I made a card inspired by your BOTB post-hope you like it


    • You guys are lucky that you weren’t hurt. People are nuts out there. It’s a very scary world today.
      I just went and checked out your card: It’s beautiful! Gorgeous. What a gift you have. So cool that my BOTB post inspired you. You just never know where inspiration is going to come from, huh? Thanks for the mention too. 🙂


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