Notable Quotable: What the World Needs

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs;

ask yourself what makes you come alive.

And then go and do that.

Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

                                                   ~ Harold Whitman


What makes you come alive??




19 thoughts on “Notable Quotable: What the World Needs

      • What else? 😉 In hindsight, I think this was meant to be about professions, yes? The dog business has certainly enlivened me way more than the previous corporate career.
        Hope you and your parents have a lovely time over the holidays. Best wishes for the new year, as well.
        P.S. Sign up for A-Z is in 45 days!! 😮

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        • Hard to believe we’re going to be talking A-Z already! Thankfully I have all my posts completely finished and scheduled. 🙂 Do you know what you’re doing this year??

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            • I don’t know really. I just had a few days with nothing to do and just started it. It wasn’t near as labor intensive as my music archive from earlier this year. Once I started on it, i just wanted to keep going so I just plowed through it. I still have a bunch of videos that I uploaded but they’re short TV show intros. Was fun to go back and revisit some of those old shows from my childhood… Hopefully people will like it. Sometimes you just have to do this stuff for yourself and forget about what other people think about it. 🙂


  1. Hi, Michele!

    I feel most alive when I am giving unconditional love to others, especially strangers. When I was with the motivational seminar programs, I experienced a natural high at Christmas time joining teams that fanned out around the community and taking flowers, fruit baskets and plush animals to nursing home residents. When I moved 1,000 miles away from home and started a new life alone as a bachelor, I overcame loneliness and regained that high by visiting nursing home shut-ins independently, not as part of an organized movement. I remember a charge nurse at one facility assuming that I was a pastor and asking me which church I represented. Seeing the joy and gratitude on the faces of those lonely, forgotten elderly people just to have a visitor at Christmas, someone willing to spent time with them, talk to them and allow them to tell stories about their lives, was the greatest gift I ever gave myself.

    Happy Wednesday, dear friend Michele!

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    • Oh Shady…this warms my heart since my mom lives in long term care. I see many older people who seem to never receive any visitors which is a shame. You are doing something beautiful


    • That’s so wonderfully selfless Shady! Giving to others is a great way to come alive. Bless you for giving of yourself to those beautiful souls in the nursing homes. I bet you make them laugh. 🙂

      Sorry it took me so long to write back to you. It’s Friday already. Where did these last two days go?? It’s definitely starting to feel like the holidays. So much going on! Hope you are enjoying the season Shady! Have a good one and talk soon.


  2. More knowledge, wisdom, and ability to understand–that’s what makes me come alive and that’s what the world needs. Television, internet, and much of our mass media disseminates foolishness and misinformation that hinders good judgment which in turn takes away life.

    I think this is why the zombie genre is so popular–a lot of people relate to the zombies or see the zombiefication of the society in which we live.

    Arlee Bird
    Wrote By Rote

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    • Interesting take on the zombie culture. Cultivating knowledge and understanding are very worthy ambitions. And it’s all FREE! All you have to do to learn is open your eyes, your ears, your mind and your heart and the world can be yours…
      Great comment. Thanks for stopping by Lee!


    • Family is everything! I have my parents staying with me here for the winter and I feel so blessed to spend all this amazing quality time with them. I agree: family makes me come alive too. Great answer Paula! Hope you’re having a fabulous holiday season. Enjoy…


    • Dogs definitely!! Helping other people does indeed make one’s heart sing. It’s such a good feeling to give and to be of assistance to someone. Good answer Janie.


  3. Seeing my animals every day makes me smile. Listening to Christmas music and decorating makes me feel happy. Kissing my hubby makes me feel love. Creating a card makes me feel content. Reading, watching a movie and travelling makes me feel more interesting but helping clients that I see at work, when they have no where else to go, makes me feel alive. If I can make a difference even to one person or animal then I feel alive and worthy of my life.

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