Help Stop the Dog Meat Trade in China!

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I’m participating in the Blog the Change for Animals Blog Hop. All participants write about a particular issue for which they are passionate and together are blogging to make a difference in the lives of animals. The topic I have chosen to discuss is the barbaric dog meat trade in China.

 This is a horrifying industry and needs to be stopped! For the last several years activists have been trying to make headway with changing this barbaric practice in China. They are making small strides but we need to continue to speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves. Please help spread the word so the lives of these dogs can be saved. Continued pressure from public outcry can result in the implementation of much needed laws. Social media is playing a big role in these efforts so please help spread the word. Many thanks.

Here are a few of the stories from within the last several months, with current updates:

From Peace Panthers, including the latest update of reaching 200,000 signatures as of March 24, 2014: Stop Horrific Dog Meat Trade!!! Demand China Make Animal Cruelty Laws!!!

Chinese activists recently stood up to dog meat traders and rescued 900 dogs bound for slaughter for human consumption. Many of the dogs were clearly stolen family pets, even wearing tags and collars: Huskies, German Shepherds, Poodles and the like, many extremely ill and dying from the slave ship like conditions of the truck and cages. One woman found her lost Golden Retriever on the truck, but was told she could not take him home unless she paid off the trader. The activists were beaten and after a 50 hour standoff finally rescued all of the dogs. However, by that time some dogs had died and the activists were forced to bury them at the scene.

hundreds of dogs stuffed in cages for transport in Chinese dog meat trade

The world has watched these pictures and videos in astonishment that in this day and age people could be so fiendish and barbaric. Everyday dogs and cats are dying in the smashed cages on the trucks, denied food and water for days, then skinned alive in front of the other dogs to increase terror and suffering. Some of the dogs give birth while in the cages and many pups die because of crushing, filthy conditions or simply falling out of the cages. Workers throw the cages to the ground when unloading the trucks, breaking the bones of the dogs. A recent undercover operation showed the skinned animals actually able to still lift their heads after being thrown into a pile of other dogs.

The fact that China has absolutely no laws for the care and humane treatment of animals is outrageous. We ask you, President Xi Jinping, to put animal cruelty laws in place now and to ban all aspects of the dog meat and dog and cat fur trades. The world is watching. We stand with the brave activists who saved the 900 dogs in Anwen town.

 See the Petition below and view the progress reports here.

To: Chinese President Xi Jinping,
President Xi Jinping:
We, the undersigned, urge you to put an end to the corrupt and horrific Chinese dog meat and dog and cat fur trades immediately. Recently the world watched as Chinese police stood up for the corrupt dog meat traders and beat activists who tried to stop a truck overloaded with 900 dogs, some of them family pets. Undercover footage has shown dogs and cats being skinned alive, some still able to hold their heads up as they look into a camera. Because of these inhumane and fiendish acts, people around the world are looking at China with shame and disdain.The purpose of this petition is to demand that China design and implement anti-cruelty laws now, and end all aspects of the corrupt dog and cat trade. China is being ruined in the eyes of the world and many people already boycott all Chinese made products. Is it worth it to have the good people of your country dragged through the mud because of a few who behave without dignity, humanity or honor? Please do the right thing for your country and your presidency and draft animal anti-cruelty laws, and ban the dog and cat meat and fur trade now. The world is watching and the world stands in solidarity with the brave activists who rescued the 900 dogs in Anwen town.
Thank you,

[Your name]

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From Ultraculture: Dog Meat, Animal Cruelty and the Growing Outcry of Chinese Digital Activists Chinese Dog trade - dogs in cages

Imagine seeing a wire cage the size of a shopping cart stuffed with fifteen dogs. Huskies, German Shepherds, poodles and retrievers. All painfully unable to move, most unable to breathe and suffocating. Now imagine an entire flatbed truck full of dogs in those kinds of cages—927 dogs to be exact. This is what people in Chongquing, China, saw on March 2, 2013. The truck was bound for a slaughter facility, and the dogs were to be for human consumption. Many of the dogs were visibly ill and dying; some were already dead. More shocking is the fact that many were wearing collars with tags; clearly stolen family pets.

dogs stuffed in cages for transport in horrific Chinese dog meat tradeA peaceful but concerned group of citizens eventually surrounded the truck, asking for the release of the dogs. What ensued was to be a 50 hour standoff between them, dog meat traders and police. Amidst beatings, the activists set up a makeshift camp around the truck. They managed to unload the dogs as more people arrived on the scene as reinforcements. One woman found her lost Golden Retriever in one of the cages and was told she could not take him home as he was property of the meat traders. The woman had to buy back her dog from them as they announced they were prepared to let all the dogs die of “natural causes” by denying food and water. Volunteers had to give her dog IV fluids because he was very weak and unstable, as were all of the others.

In the end, with the help of the Chongquing Small Animal Protection Association, all 927 dogs were turned over to the activists. The traders could not provide documentation for each dog, since many were stolen, making it a “food safety issue.” Sadly, at least twenty dogs had died, and the activists were forced to bury them at the site. They then called for a “civil and organized” intake of the dogs, with veterinarians providing assistance; donations of food, cleaning supplies, and suitable cages pouring in from around China.

The young Chinese generation coming of age now has grown up with the Internet and is taking a stand against what they see as the barbaric practices of the past. The use of smart phones, cameras and social media were instrumental to organizing a spontaneous, peaceful uprising of this scale.

In a country plagued with crippling pollution and corruption, it is almost unheard of for people to protest the abuse of animals. But the young Chinese generation coming of age now has grown up with the Internet and is taking a stand against what they see as the barbaric practices of the past. The use of smart phones, cameras and social media were instrumental to organizing a spontaneous, peaceful uprising of this scale, and has since led to at least two more public seizures of dog meat trucks, totaling over 3,000 dogs.

As I write this, more stories are pouring in from the volunteers, the majority of which have never protested anything before. At least one activist has been detained by the Yuhong Police Department and is now unable to be located. Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, petitions and websites are cropping up with pleas to the world: help us. We’re outnumbered and need to know we are being heard.

This situation is not being reported by mainstream news in China, as much of China has traditionally preferred to keep the dog meat trade behind closed doors. During the Beijing Olympics, city restaurants were ordered to remove dog meat from their menus in an attempt to placate visitors’ sensibilities. Dog meat has been eaten for centuries, but many Chinese today are vehemently against the eating of dogs and cats, one petition gathering 42,000 signatures against the practice. What is important about this uprising is that the people of China are demanding that the country establish animal cruelty laws. This is a turning point in the history of animal rights for China, as important as Stonewall or Rosa Parks was for gay and civil rights. If China is to move forward humanely, this is a crucial moment of truth.

If eating dogs seems gruesome, their treatment in transit, and subsequent slaughter is absolutely fiendish. Undercover videos show animals skinned alive, thrown onto piles of other dogs while still having the strength to hold their head up before succumbing. The dogs are skinned in front of other dogs to induce terror because of the false belief that the flavor and properties of the meat are enhanced by this. In transit, some dogs give birth to puppies and they are suffocated in the cages, fall to the road or die from the crushing filth. When unloading the trucks, the workers toss the cages off the top of the truck onto the ground, resulting in the dogs’ necks and other bones being broken. They are denied water and food for days while waiting to be killed either by beating or genital electrocution, in the case of the fur trade. Regular people know these facts and are becoming more outspoken because of the dire need for reform. They are becoming activists simply because they are outraged by the very cruel and outlandish way these living creatures are being treated. Good people across China are saying “enough.”

It’s unclear what will happen next for this movement, but growing online support from around the world is gaining momentum. People realize what this could mean for the animals and people of China, as well as animal rights for other countries. The cacophony of voices on the front lines in this heartbreaking scenario are begging for help from people outside of China. Message boards are flooding with postings such as, “I am sincerely begging for help from the international organization that would give us a hand to STOP this disaster happen to our human being’s best friends!” and “Please stop this crime and restore humanity! Let the world know what is happening in China! The volunteers on scene are fighting a very difficult war!” Right now, people in and outside of China can sign a petition to President Xi Jinping to establish animal cruelty laws and ban the dog meat trade. Sharing the activists’ Facebook page and information also helps, as well as contacting local and national press and animal welfare organizations. It is up to all of us to do anything we can to help these brave people, truly underdogs in China’s growing animal rights crisis.

Change: Stop Horrific Dog Meat Trade: Animal Rights Activists Fight to Save Lives of 3000+ Dogs (Warning: graphic!)

Fight for Animal Cruelty Laws in China

Animals Asia Organization – Cat & Dog Welfare

– See more at:

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23 thoughts on “Help Stop the Dog Meat Trade in China!

    • Thank you so much! I didn’t realize this was going on until I read about it and I know others are in the dark too. Bringing light to a situation is the only way to affect change. Many thanks!


  1. oh…this is so sad 😦
    Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen only in China. Some cities in my country, Indonesia, are also eating dogs (and even turtles). But I haven’t seen something as scary as that top picture.


    • we live in a sad sad world. Compassion is seriously lacking all around the globe. Thanks for reading my post and letting us know about the other cities and countries engaging in this horrific activity.


  2. This is a subject that is mortifying and revolting…there are those who don’t want to hear/read/see about this, but that’s exactly why they should. We cannot allow such inhumanity to continue. Good for you for writing about this!

    Kudos to the younger generation for realizing there’s a time for traditions – and dog meat is one that belongs in the past. And there is absolutely no excuse for the way these dogs are treated. These petitions and letters are important, as they will let the authorities know that the world is watching and waiting.

    Thank you for blogging the change for animals,


    • Thank you Kim. I am so proud of those young activists. They are fighting a big battle but I do believe that with constant pressure and bringing the issue to light, they will overcome and ultimately win the war for the dogs. I know how hard it is to read about these kinds of horrors and how much easier it is to turn a blind eye, because when confronting it it hurts our hearts to read about the suffering and agony these poor animals go through, but it is critical that we shine the light into those very dark places. Thank you for stopping by and for your comments!


  3. Oh this is awful!!! I signed the petition – I had no idea that this was happening. How could people be so cruel and blind to suffering??? The Chinese activists who exposed this horrific trade should be awarded for their bravery and persistence. Soooooo sad about this.


    • me too, so very sad. I just don’t understand the lack of compassion. Absence of heart! Just so incredibly sad. Thanks for signing the petition Marci!


  4. That is terrible and awful and makes me cry. I know we’re supposed to respect others’ cultures, but that really is evil. I am glad to hear that the younger generation of Chinese citizens are more enlightened and are trying to stop this! How sick can people possibly be???!?!??!


    • It is just horrible. But please help spread the word. The more public outcry the better chance the dogs have. Thanks so much for caring.


  5. This is such a sad, sad story. However, it is heartening to know is that more and more people in China are standing up to protect animals. Perhaps there will come a day when the dog meat/fur trade will be illegal. Thank you for sharing!


    • I am thrilled with what I see the younger generations doing in all aspects of humanity. Thanks so much for stopping by and feel free to share the petitions.


    • From your lips to God’s ear! I am very impressed with what the younger generation is doing and how they are standing up to fight this sickening horrifying practice. Thanks for stopping by!


    • It sure is! Please help spread the word: knowledge is power and in this case, awareness can help put an end to this shocking situation. Thanks for stopping by!


    • Thank YOU for signing it! What a tragic situation. It must be stopped. Please share with all your friends. Many thanks for stopping by.


  6. i discovered this issue on February and now i developed depression and obsesive thoughts, there is no day that i don’t think of this, i’ve ruined my life after finding this (this is true, not a joke) every minute i’m thinking of these animals and i’m suffering too.
    By the way try to avoid trolls on some forums, these mentally sick non-humans basically say that it’s not wrong to eat pets because we all eat pig and chicken, they don’t have the mental capability to separate farm animals and COMPANION animals, dogs and cats are not livestock. Saying meat is meat is and aborrent and unjustiied excuse, if “meat is meat afterall” is an excuse then let’s eat human babies, elephants, giraffes, lions, hipopotamus, mice,monkeys, because “meat is meat” RIGHT?? i’m so disgusted by being an human. If i were god i would stop in an instant and punish those cruel bastards for eternity.


    • Thank you for your comment Leslie. I’m so sorry that this has affected you so negatively but it needs to affect people in some way in order to get enough people disgusted and enraged enough to take action and make it stop. It’s horrible and I cry when I think of it too. But we have to be aware of what’s going on if we are to stop these atrocities. May your sad thoughts be replaced with the loving realization of what a big heart you have! Thanks for stopping by my blog!


    • Leslie, the same exact thing is happening to me. I saw a utterly disturbing post on Facebook a few days ago about a stolen pet golden retriever being dismembered outside a restaurant in China. The restaurant owner skinned the fully conscious dog after he cut off his legs. The restaurant owner told a reporter he didn’t eat dead dog. I clicked on the link and read horrifying accounts of this type of thing occurring all over China, South Korea, southeast Asia, and Africa. I guess I am naive, but I had no idea this was going on! The way they slaughter dogs is absolutely sickening. It is so inhumane. I can not believe people can be so evil. I have been obsessing over this in my head for the last several days thinking about all the pain and suffering these poor animals go through. My stomach has been queasy. I’m also depressed about it because I feel helpless in doing anything to change the situation. I am appalled China has no laws concerning animal abuse. They even have a legal dog meat eating festival in Yuling, China every June. They slaughter dogs on the street right in front of the customer who is planning on eating it. Tell me, what is wrong with people!?!

      Besides being depressed, I am also very outraged. I am making it a personal mission to do everything I can do help. I’ve signed a couple petitions, I have been looking into donating to charities and (Soi Dog Charity) from Thailand is looking for people to sponsor a dog who was saved from being slaughtered. Also, for $25 you can purchase a billboard to inform the people of Thailand of the dog meat trade. I’m thinking of starting a Blog to inform other people of this abhorred cruelty. If anyone else has any more suggestions or ideas on ways in which I can help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.


      • Courtney, thank you so much for your loving heart! I know exactly how you feel as I am constantly deeply saddened by the cruelty that is ravaged on these poor animals. My heart is always heavy. But it is with knowledge that change can occur. And doing what you are about to do is exactly the power that comes from that knowledge. YOU can be the catalyst that institutes change. We all can, with our voices and with our actions. PLEASE continue to be outraged, continue to SCREAM TO ALL WHO WILL LISTEN so that, in time, these horrific acts can be abolished. It won’t happen overnight, especially in places like China where this is part of the culture. BUT it can indeed change if enough people cry out. I know it’s hard to bear the burden of the heavy heart but it is also our duty as good stewards of God’s creatures to do what we can. Bless you for caring! And keep fighting the good fight! Keep in touch. Thanks for reading my blog. Michele


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